Sommardans gävleborg 2019 anna holmström

Sommardans  2019 ( Summer dance ) was a unique opportunity for young people in region Gävleborg -Sweden, who dream of having dance as a profession.

 11 young people from 4 of the region’s municipalities had the opportunity to try a different holiday internship where they get to experience professional life as a dancer. During the three-week process, they get to meet  professional choreographer Anna Holmström where during the first two weeks they work out a dance performance which then tours around the region.

The piece addresses different perspectives on the word Perfection. What does perfection mean for a teenager who is about to enter adulthood?

The Sommardans project is made possible in a collaboration between Kultur Gävleborg, Nordanstig municipality, Sandviken municipality, Hudiksvall municipality and Söderhamn municipality.

Anna Holmström,
together with the dancers.

Project leader
Erika O’Neill

Agnes Hellgren
Arvid Edsvik
Cia Söderman
Elin Bellander
Elsa Person
Ida Dahlström
Klara Nord-Norén
Moa Andersson
Nova Thordendal
Tilde Södergren
Wilma Johansson